Tuesday, May 19, 2009

4 Reasons to Use Viral E-books

The only way to keep up with the latest about viral ebooks is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about viral ebooks, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

E-books….FREE E-books…are one of the best weapons in a viral marketing campaign. Here are four good reasons why this is true today and will continue to be true for a long time.

1.E-books are effective in building your reputation. If you give a quality E-book ,the users will pass it on to others.

2.E-books are capable of reaching a large audience.
Therefore, it is absolutely vital that your E-book contains something that people will want to share. Remember that people like to know something that the rest of the world needs to know.

3.E-books are cheap to produce and don’t take long to set up. If you have articles that you have already written about the subject you are promoting, you can simply combine these articles into an E-book. If, on the other hand, writing isn’t your forte, you can use rebrandable E-books that have been produced by others. One way to distribute these E-books to visitors to your website is to give them as a free gift for subscribing to your newsletter. If your E-book contains material that people will want to share with their friends and family, they will pass it along to them… they will pass it along to others…and you will make money.

4.E-books are a way to sell other products other than the one you originally targeted. For example; if you are selling garden products, your customers could also be interesting in E-books about lawns, trees landscaping, etc.

As your knowledge about viral ebooks continues to grow, you will begin to see how viral ebooks fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Your tips are quite interesting. Thanks a lot for sharing this useful information.

    The idea behind the free viral eBook is to promote something which is very important; this may be your website, a product you sell, or even an affiliate product you are trying to profit from. One technique is to provide the reader with information and then promote a product so that the reader can learn more. If the reader is interested, then they can click on the link.

    By creating an free ebook, you can reach a huge mass of people who are interested in your topic and buy your products. But once you start getting your ebook into the hands of many people, it will just start spreading and spreading.
